Model Test Shoot Guide

what is it and what to expect

What is a test shoot?

A test shoot is when a photographer and a model come together to create content. Whether that be an idea the model has or a collective concept, it usually is simple in execution. A test shoot is the best way to learn how to model or gain experience since the pressure to perform is low and the need for a huge production isn’t necessary. Usually, it’s just the model and the photographer working together to create the shot and sometimes a makeup artist and hairstylist.

How do I prepare?

Preparation is easy! Which is why I love doing these types of shoots; it’s low stress and doesn’t require a lot of effort on the models part. Before the shoot, you and I will share some ideas on wardrobe. I have a Pinterest board that I swear by when it comes to discussing wardrobe options, which usually comes from your own closet. Trust me, you don’t have to have a million-dollar wardrobe to get a great shot! After we’ve got a good idea about the theme and wardrobe for the shoot we’ll set up a shoot date.

What about makeup and hair?

The beauty of a test shoot is that the focus is on your own natural beauty. I always go by the rule less is more. So a little concealer, mascara, brow maintenance, and lipstick are all you need. If you want to put some eyeshadow on, keep it natural. If you have blemishes, it’s OK! Everyone has them and I retouch the blemishes out anyways unless you tell me otherwise. If you need some guidance I’d suggest watching Jessica Pimentel’s minimal makeup tutorial. For hair, I would keep it as natural as possible. If you have straight hair feel free to give it a blowout and if you have curly hair just do what makes your hair look best. Remember, the whole point of this is to show what you look like naturally, just elevated a bit. I would also suggest painting your nails a neutral color, beige is your best friend.

The most important step…packing.

I know you’re excited and probably a little bit nervous. Both of those feelings are perfectly normal and I have a few tips to help you get rid of those night-before jitters. The most important step is to pack two days before your shoot.
I can’t stress how important this is and I promise this tip will help you for every shoot you have in the future. Layout everything! Your makeup, wardrobe, shoe and accessory options, and anything else you think you’ll need. I find this extremely helpful when I’m planning out my outfits because it gives me time to go shopping in case it needs a little something to make it complete. For instance, you may have a black turtleneck and high-waisted jeans but a belt and a graphic blazer can really elevate the look. Plus the jacket will give you something to work with while we shoot. Maybe you want to do a beauty look but a funky chunky earring will give it a whole new vibe.

It’s better to have options rather than none at all. You want to give yourself time to run errands, not feel like your forgetting something, and have to confidence that you are ready to go on shoot day. The only thing you should be worrying about is what kind of coffee or tea you’ll order.

Pro Tip: Leave the tags on your items just in case we don’t end up using them. This way you can return what we don’t use rather than spending money on pieces you won’t want to keep.

Need some more help?

Feel free to send me a message with those burning questions. I’m here to help!